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Posts Tagged ‘physical security’

Security escort truck transport


Does your trucking company when traveling GPS modules, electronic locks etc.., Securing cargo during transport truck is at a high level. But how can you really be 100% sure that your employees or other persons involved in the complete process of transport can not be involved either directly or indirectly in the theft of cargo or truck? Are you sure that the truck driver knows exactly what to do in the event of a security incident or threat to cargo?

Solution to security risks during truck transport is our service „escort truck transport,“ This service includes all physical activities accompanied with very high-risk transports throughout Europe and jejednou of the main services provided by our certified company Alpha Security Group. This means that our professional staff shall monitor your truck with cargo from loading to delivery to the final destination accompanied by one of several cars professionally trained

escorts., Alpha Group Security performed escort transport truck transport in Europe and beyond, we’ve never met with any incident , který by led to the loss of goods or truck.

before the actual physical accompaniment which na truck, perform extensive research and the complete line of alternative solutions. We review risk areas, roads, safe and unsafe parking, suitable gas station, GPS / GSM blind spots, work on roads and highways. The results of the preliminary analysis are integrated into a precise plan of the truck transportation.  Is evidencethat thieves and robbers are guarded from assault transport deterred criminals are very well informed, their general decision making selects less secure trucks.

Most employees Alpha Group Security providing security and surveillance truck transport in the past worked in the special intervention or police, have vast experience in the field of security and were all trained to intervene appropriately in the event of an accident or assault truck during the trip.

Accompanying escort Our cars are equipped with a monitoring system GPS connection 24/7 to the central office in the center of Europe, GSM, etc …

Contact a certified safety agency Alpha Security Group, we prepare for your company flexible and safe transport of goods and escort truck.

owner of Alfa Group Security Ltd

Task Force PCO centralized security


Marauder not get very far

The fact that our people at Alpha Security Group in
 place and always alert to help
convince the unknown perpetrator on the weekend.
 While visiting family house near the
Hořovic near Beroun.
 Man tried to peep into the night event object
and then return where
apparently wanted to attempt a break-in to the building.
It did not escape our attention of
a passing patrol, who immediately responded and
asked "Lord" on the identification
and explanation.
 Guard did not give anything to it that the man
tried to empty excuses
and made a lord of the land of the house.
Alfa Security Group Ltd

Invitation to celebrate Songran

Blessing the New Year

Contractor Security Services Security Alfa Group was invited to the celebration (Songkran), Thailand New Year 2557th We really enjoyed it and thank hosts.